Most of the Japanese series had along the years a manga series, and the DBZ or the Dragon Ball manga was created by Akira Toriyama, which was aired from 1988 to 1995, years in which Dragon Ball become more and more popular. This is a Japanese anime series, in which you guys are going to meet with Son Goku, the main character of the series, which you will see that it's just going to be a very special little boy which is going to have to defend the world, because villains like Vegeta or Frieza are going to try to take over the Earth. There are a lot of boys here on our website that are looking for the perfect game, and starting from today, we are going to present for you guys a new category for all ages! This new category is called Dragon Ball Z! This is a very exciting Japanese story, which is going to star a little kid called Goku, which is going to train his entire life to become one of the best fighters in the world, and you will be able to be side by side and train together.